Lately each time we start up our computer we wonder what new sound might emerge. Yesterday we thought a little bird had taken up residence inside. Other times we think we could be on the runway hearing a jet taking off right before us. We are thankful that these disturbing noises only happen intermittently or not every time we start up the computer. However, we know that the inevitable day will come when we will need to purchase a new computer. Our resident computer expert thinks it could be the fan. Fan...what fan?
Then there is the disc drive. Just a few weeks ago the disc drawer began opening all on its own at random times. This was very spooky, as you can imagine, and so now it requires we have tape over the drawer opening. That seems to be working for now, but it appears that something will need to be done soon.
Our son had already recommended the new Apple computer...those little bitty space saving ones. It's also possible to get a pretty nice normal one from Dell for under $500. We are wondering about getting a notebook instead of a desk model. Guess it's time to start investigating into what's out there to be had.
We recall when having a PC was a luxury...funny how now it seems owning a PC is a necessity. Now that's something else to think about. Do we really need to have a computer? Today that's like asking if we need a phone. Sure you could get along without it, but would you want to?
We have two schools of thought about fixing what's broken. And this could also apply to replacing what's broken, as well as, deciding when something needs to be replaced instead of trying to fix it. One of us tends to put off fixing or replacing broken things. The other thinks nothing good can come of this attitude. If you know us, you might be able to guess who is who. But regardless, this has caused not a little ruckus at times in our home.
After the most recent experiences, involving a sump pump switch and a kitchen faucet, we have come to a conclusion that the best way to avoid this eternal fray about when, if, and how things should be handled when something is broken or replaced. Here's our new rule: the very day something breaks, it will be fixed or replaced if necessary. The only exceptions to this rule are if delays are unavoidable, such as the need to schedule repair persons...or the need to figure out where the money will come from...or the need to investigate a new purchase. No more putting off, forgetting about, or living in denial about the need to replace or repair what is broken.
So our purchase of a new computer has not quite become an item that falls under our new rule. It's not quite broken yet, but we are pretty sure it will need to be replaced in the near future. One of us is starting to shop around now (guess which one), because the likelihood of us fixing that noise and that problem with the disc drive is slim to none.
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