Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring Cleaning

Well, it's that time of year again. That time when we get the urge to clean out the old, rearrange, and organize. We want to get all the spring cleaning done before gardening time gets underway. So each day one little corner, shelf, or drawer is sorted through or dusted and cleaned.

We feel like we have trimmed down our lives quite a bit lately. But then we open a bottom drawer that is seldom used and find some more "stuff." Our rule of thumb is "have we used this within the past year?" If no, then out it goes. That is, unless it is a seldom used item or we have a specific use in mind and haven't gotten around to using it yet.

This week the grandchildren are on spring break so they have been helping with our decision making. It's sometimes amazing what they find useful. We had an old label maker that was broken but our grandson thought he could have some fun with it. There were others things that even he thought were useless. That's when you know it's time to clean things out.

We have not started yet in the kitchen. There will certainly be some things that need to be removed. And there will also be some dust and dirt that needs cleaned away. We are not looking forward to that job. But it always smells so good and feels so good once each year to do some serious redding up so the job is worth it.

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