Thursday, June 19, 2008

Eternal Life

This light pink peony is also called "The Century Plant" because it can last more than 100 years.

We often like to listen to radio preachers. They tend to preach from the Scriptures and they also tend to bring out something from the Scriptures which we have not encountered before...or something that has been revealed before but not quite in the same way.

Last week a radio preacher made this comment: We all have an eternal life. Where that eternal life is spent, either with or without God, is up to our acceptance or rejection of His Son. Evangelism is basically making this truth evident to those around us.

Now we have both grown up in the church, and you would think that this idea would not be new to us. And perhaps this concept is not exactly new, but it was a way of thinking about evangelism that we had not thought of before. Every person we come in contact with has an eternity. God would like to be in that person's life now and for eternity. We need to let them know this in such a way that they will see how much God loves and cares for them. Then perhaps they will want this also. It's as simple as that.

Simple, but somehow not easy. Talking about eternal life doesn't come up in casual conversation. Most people rarely even think in terms of eternity. That includes Christians. When you see how some Christians live (and that includes ourselves at times) you would think that this life is all there is. So much of our time is spent concerned with this life. How can we share that there is an eternity when we are so wrapped up with things here?

But the main point of the radio preacher was that until a person realizes that they have an eternity to spend either with or without God, they will never see the need to believe in Jesus. This is the concept that was a revelation...and an inspiration to us to draw others to Christ.

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