There is an old saying that goes something like this..."the only thing sure in life is change." This is one reason we like to use photos of flowers from our garden as part of our slide show that constantly changes display. In a few minutes we can sit and watch a whole year's worth of beauty in full bloom. Each blossom is frozen in image at its best.
It doesn't seem to matter what our age, humans just don't care for change. Elderly and children are alike in that anything that changes their known world is viewed as unwelcome. Especially if what is changed is something enjoyed. And yet to be alive is an ever changing condition. Children grow up and everyone grows old. Everything changes.
All except God, who changes not. God is the one constant perfect being. He is always longing to draw us near to Him and bring us to His everlasting peace that passes understanding. We will always need to change our ways to draw close to Him. But He never changes.
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