Our congregation is going through what is being called a transition time between pastors. We have with us now a transitional pastor who will be leading us through a time of self reflection that will help us deal with numerous important issues before we call our next pastor. For the past few months he has been meeting with groups, couples, and individuals. He is interviewing using specific questions to discover what some of the issues within our congregation might be. In the next phase we will be meeting together as a congregation to practice arriving at consensus. He has chosen what he feels is a rather unimportant issue, in this case, whether or not to have sharing during worship time. In a few weeks we will meet and try to arrive all together at a decision about this issue. If we agree that we cannot achieve a consensus, the issue will be resolved by a ballot.
The next two years will be an interesting time for everyone. We will share some of the happenings here so you can get a feel of how things are going. We are somewhat confident that this may be a good thing because of the abilities exhibited by our transitional pastor. Time will tell.
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