Tuesday, October 9, 2007

We want to report on our transitional meeting that was held by our congregation on Sunday evening. Our transitional pastor gave his report. There were not too many surprises, as we had already surmised most of the issues. What was surprising was his take on what our congregation should consider to stem the tide of loosing our members. He insists that if we don't do something our congregation will die within the next few generations. What is his answer you ask? He thinks we ought to consider the megachurches and perhaps fashion our congregation to compete to keep our members. Up to this point we were with him in his evaluations. We are wondering if our small congregation has the resources, will power or the desire to compete. We feel that our congregation should be an alternative to these mega churches. We have some doubt also to his conclusion that we are a dying church. We feel that our Christian education emphasis will sustain us through the lean years. That is, if we keep this thrust. Our congregation also has a track record of service that is above normal for our size. That could be another continued vision that will sustain us. Some of our hope for a good outcome during this transition period has be dashed. Perhaps as we work through our issues this hope will be restored. We will see.

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