You can smell fudge making at our house. This is a standard Christmas gift that we give to our neighbors, pastors, mailmen, paper deliverers, garbage man, office help, and anyone who we would like to thank for their help during the past year. Though we really shouldn't indulge, just the smell of making the fudge satisfies that craving. And of course licking the emptied bowl is also a treat! No calories there!
The recipe comes from Bess Truman. During the war she started women making fudge to sell in helping the war effort. This fudge was called "Million Dollar Fudge" because through their efforts over a million dollars was contributed to the war effort. Imagine what good could come if this effort was put forth for peace. Just a thought.
It's an easy recipe, already memorized. Put 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips in a heat proof bowl. Add 1 cup marshmallow fluff or creme and stir together. In a medium sauce pan combine 2 cups sugar, 2/3 cup evaporated milk and 2 tablespoons butter. Heat on medium heat until it starts to come to a rolling boil, stirring constantly. Take a pastry brush and some cold water and clean the sides of the pan. Let the mixture boil for 5 minutes, keep stirring without touching the sides of the pan. Pour this into the chips and marshmallow fluff mixture, and stir some more. After it has combined somewhat add 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/8 teaspoon salt, then stir until it is smooth. Add 1 cup of chopped walnuts and combine by stirring again. Pour this into a pan (or containers to give away.) It makes over 2 pounds of some of the most delicious fudge you will ever taste!
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