This evening, as we began to prepare our Christmas cards for giving, it was almost sad to realize that some loved ones that were on our list last year are no longer with us this year. Some new friends and family have been added now to our list and that cheered us. We also noted that this past year seemed to just fly by. Is time really going faster? Is that possible?
Since we no longer have TV connections we thought that the passing of time would slow. However, we have discovered that, if anything, the passing of time has sped up even more.
We both do really enjoy reading good books. Our latest discovery is the author Charlene Ann Baumbich and her Dear Dorothy series. It is possible to start on one of her books and hours pass before you think about setting the book down. Perhaps that is why time flies.
We can recall one of our father's saying that it seemed to him that as he got older time seemed to speed up also. The older we get the more we can understand the idea that God has no beginning and no ending. For Him a thousand years is like a day. Sometimes we need to wait for an answer to prayer. We think that it is taking an awfully long time for God to answer. His time table is unfathomable. So we must wait. That just might slow us down a little!
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