Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring Bible Memory Psalm 100


She said:

For our spring quarter we will be learning Psalm 100 as Bible memory. We are using the NRSV. Each week I will say the psalm along with the student up to that week's new verse or partial verse. Perhaps this will help them learn the whole psalm by the end of this quarter. Each one that recites receives a lamb sticker and a treat. When the whole psalm is recited on their own by a child, a reward will be given. Or we may just all recite the psalm in a Sunday morning service. Our bible memory recitation takes place between the bells after Sunday school. We have a warning bell and then five minutes later the final bell. To let the children know that I am ready to listen I have a couple of stuffed lambs that make a sound like a lamb baahing. The children enjoy squeezing these while helping to distribute the stickers and treats. Plans are to have a visit from a real lamb before the quarter is over. Part of their reward will be one of the stuffed lambs.

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