Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring cleaning

she said

You may have noticed, if you are reading our blog that is, that we haven't been posting much lately. That is due to a lack of internet use at our home computer. So check back each week for a while...we still may be able to post on well as "He" has internet use daily Monday - Friday (though "He" doesn't post often.)

We are in the process of moving and whether we have home internet connections in the future is uncertain at this time.

Each previous year we like to pretend that we are moving when we do our spring cleaning. It's a good practice because it forces us to make some decisions about all our "stuff." Now this year is the real thing...not a practice run. So moving is going to take some time...and thankfully we have no dead lines to meet as of yet.

We are also in the process of updating our "money pit" and that will also take time (as well as money!).

So remember us in your prayers...this can also be a stressful time.

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