It's that time of year again when we make resolutions. We look over the past year and see some things that we would like to now accomplish or some things that need to be changed. So we decide to give these some effort, some priority by voicing a resolution. By resolving, we put forth a purposeful effort on our part to make something happen. We give this effort first place above other happenings. It becomes our focus. This focus is necessary to accomplish or change what we see needs done because life has too much in it that demands our attention. If we don't make a special effort, these things will never come to pass. We will go numbly on through life, never giving them much more consideration.
Many people make exercise a resolve for the year. In a recently read novel the author tells the story of a convict in Victorian England who was tortured in prison by the dreaded treadmill. We can believe easily that this devise had that effect! During the winter months our exercise consists mainly of walking on this devise. The activity is only tolerated by watching a video for distraction. And then only 20 minutes with this distraction is possible. What monotony!
Another resolve that is common is the effort to lose weight. The convict in the novel lost weight easily due to the restricted prison diet. This diet along with the extra treadmill exercise caused the poor man in the story to become emaciated. He began to feel hopeless. Life lost its meaning. If not for his faith, he would have lost all hope.
And isn't that what New Year's resolutions are all about? Hope. We hope that we will be able to accomplish or make changes that we have resolved. Resolutions give us a chance, or maybe even a second chance at making life what we want. Sure they are easy to break. But they are also a hopeful way to improve our lives and give us purpose.
So go ahead, resolve. And have a Happy New Year!